Monday, March 05, 2007

I have the lightest brightest friends

If you've been around at all you know the characters, and if you were around last summer or last winter break you'll remember a handful of key players, a ragged, broke, well-read, well-dressed bunch, geniuses every one, out-of-towners hardly down and out, at least one growing his beard out: these are my friends.

Word has it Glenn Negretti's back in town for a week or so and this morning a message from Phillip, inconspicuously, 9:04 a.m.:

well patrick mate, i just wanted to warn you that i should be in town in about 10 days...get your rest while you can; we'll sleep when we're dead.

Winter break he was reading War & Peace drinking vodka nightly sleeping (hood up) when he could get the sleep and keeping me from a saintly existence. I've gotta ready mind & body for him every time and I don't care who you are you should be ready to be with us too.


Blogger Emmie said...

Hi! Nice blog you have here. Good luck to you and your lightest brightest friends.
emmie johnson

1:46 AM  

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